Browse Collections (12 total)

The Future of Music

This collection features manifestos that account for digital innovation in music as well as the politics of producing music mediated by digital…

Contributors: Izzy To, Matt Applegate

The Digital Humanities

The Digital Humanities is still an emerging area of scholarship that emphasizes the use and development of digital tools as well as the publication…

Contributors: Matt Applegate, Izzy To


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This section features original interviews with scholars and authors concerning the relevance and use of the manifesto genre in digital contexts.…

Contributors: Matt Applegate, Izzy To

Internet Access, Use, & Big Data

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This collection documents historical and ongoing interventions against Internet repression and foreclosure for economic gain. PIPA refers to the…

Contributors: Matt Applegate, Izzy To

Digital Feminisms

This collection documents the manifestos written by feminist authors and collectives for whom the Internet is their primary site of thought and…

Contributors: Matt Applegate, Izzy To

Digital Diasporas

This collection documents manifestos that are concerned with communal production online. These manifestos focus on communities that oppose and are…

Contributors: Matt Applegate
Izzy To

Digital Composition

Digital composition refers to both the integration of multiple media platforms into a communicable product and the syntax of the writing produced by…

Contributors: Matt Applegate, Izzy To

Digital Architecture & Design

Digital architecture and design refers to at least two interrelated features of architectural production. First, manifestos in this collection…

Contributors: Matt Applegate, Izzy To

Digital Anthropology, Media Archaeology, & Media Ecology

The Digital Anthropology and Media Archaeology collection documents manifestos that call for innovation in digital archiving practices, political…

Contributors: Matt Applegate, Izzy To

Digital Aesthetics

Digital aesthetics defines a disparate and extremely broad set of aesthetic practices. The defining feature of the manifestos archived in this…

Contributors: Matt Applegate, Izzy To